TTC Command

The TTC command will help to price an item via Tamriel Trade Center.

As always, use the tool to get a rough idea of where prices might be and then adjust to where you feel it would best sell for you.

Use !TTC [Item Name] to bring up the first 15 closest matches to your entry.
Use !TTC [Item Name], Rarity to filter down those matches to a given rarity.
Use !TTC [Item Name], Trait to filter down those matches to a given trait.
These can all be used together if wanted so something like !TTC [Item Name], [Rarity], [Trait] will filter items down to closest matching itemname with a given rarity and trait.

Note: Because of the search restraints, you do have to either type the whole item name or at least get the first letter of each word in the item name.
For example !TTC C M 66 S D Belts

  • !TTC Crafting Motif 66
  • !TTC Crafting Motif 66, Purple
  • !TTC C M 66, Epic
  • !TTC Sword, Nirnhoned
  • !TTC Sword, Epic, Nirnhoned